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Louise Wellington (owner)

COVID-19 and our commitment to you

The world is a different place at the moment. There is so much uncertainty, and things are changing day by day. We understand the prospect of travel may be out of the realm of possibility at the moment. So we wanted to say a few quick things for you to consider, since, well - you might have a bit of spare time on your hands!

Despite reports claiming the 2019-20 Japan winter season was one of the worst on record, we still had one of the best seasons to date. While the powder days weren't daily, we still had decent dumps most weeks, and we can say hand-on-heart that all of our guests enjoyed their stay, with every one of them still saying "It's still so much better than home!".

Now that the weather gods have gotten that nasty low-snowfall season out of the way, we know next season will be phenomenal.

We want to let you know that we are now taking bookings for the 2020/21 Winter season. We also want to let you know that we are offering flexibility in our booking structure so you can feel comfortable about how this pandemic pans out (pun intended hehe).

We are offering fully refundable bookings until July 2020. Yes, we still require a 25% deposit - we are a small business and well, it's what we need to operate. But we are offering that any bookings made now, are refundable until 1 July 202o. So you can lock in that holiday, start dreaming, but know you can opt out if that's what you decide is best.

We are also offering early bird booking discounts based on last season's rates. So if you book before 1 July 2020, you receive the 2019/20 rate before any annual increases are applied.

Of course we will monitor the situation over the next few months, but we wanted to let you know we are still operating as usual, and making lots of preparations for the next amazing Japow season.

We are here and available if you have any questions and wish to contact us about ANYTHING. We can't go too far at the moment! We hope YOU can soon.

Take care,

The Myoko Vista Owners - Warrick and Louise.

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